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Happy Engineer's Week

Happy Engineer's Week......and what a week it has been!
We had a team lunch, a friendly round of "Suspect Challenge" (or how well do you know your fellow engineers trivia), coloring pages for the kiddos, and topped it off by putting our time and talents to work, by giving back to the community!
Thursday, we assembled furniture for Down Home. This amazing non-profit, works towards ending the cycle of homelessness in our community by transforming spaces for those in need and providing them with the dignity of their own bed and the comforts a home should offer.
Friday, Danielle and Hanna spent the morning at NDSU's Introduce a Girl to Engineering Day! This was an outreach event for area 8th grade girls and focused on hands-on activities, industry visits and STEM.
Thank you to all our Engineers! We appreciate all you do!