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Lost River 7th Addition

Lost River (7th Addition) is a 30-acre, 49-lot residential subdivision located in Horace, North Dakota. This addition is added to the previous phases of the Lost River development. Bordered by Lost River (5th Addition) to the north, Horace Diversion to the west, and the Sheyenne River to the south, this project required connection to existing city sanitary sewer, water, and storm systems; roadway and intersection grading; and coordination with the Army Corp of Engineers on grading within the boundary of the Horace Diversion. Rear yard drainage will be provided for every lot, as well as sump pump connections into the storm sewer system. New asphalt roadways, multi-use paths and sidewalks were designed to interconnect Lost River ( 7th Addition) with the previous phasing of the development. Design of this subdivision involved coordination between the developer, the City of Horace, The Army Corp of Engineers, and multiple utility companies to create a layout that complemented the look and feel of the overall development.